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Weekly Check in 5.9.24
by Kristynsmama
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1 day ago
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Shine Bright: I am SH-free for ____ Days
by ASilentObserver
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...See more Well done! 💪✨  (Number) days free from self-harm is a significant accomplishment.  Please take a moment to acknowledge your strength and resilience and celebrate with us. Here are a few points to reflect on and celebrate:  * What helped you stay strong these past few days? Was it a specific coping mechanism, a supportive person, or a personal mantra? Share your tips to inspire others. * What positive changes have you noticed since being SH-free? Maybe you have more energy, better sleep, or a renewed sense of hope. Reflect on the progress you've made. * What are you looking forward to in the future? Use this milestone as a springboard for setting new goals or focusing on activities you enjoy. * Write a message to your future self: What words of encouragement would you tell yourself for the days ahead? Start sharing with us. We believe in you. 
Things no one tells you about Self-Harm: Trigger Warning
by Jenna
Last post
May 15th
...See more Everyone mentions the same things when they talk about self-harm. This is what I wish someone told me about self-harm before I fell into its tight gripping claws. 1) It's not only the cuts/bruises/burns/scratches that you have to hide. You have to hide the bloodied tissues, the used band-aids, the band-aid wrapper, and the thing you used to harm. 2) When you shower the dried blood drips out of your band-aid and down your body creating little dark red, almost brown, colored streams. It scares you at first because you think it's opened again. 3) It becomes an addiction. It becomes the only thing that helps. 4) It eventually doesn't help anymore but you keep doing it in the hope it will. 5) Your body will scar and at first, you will like it but eventually, you get sick looking at them. 6) On a bad day, you run out of space. 7) Your band-aids will soak through your jeans or top after a shower and make an obvious square or rectangle patch. 8) They start to smell bad if not looked after. 9) You constantly think about them. 10) Your sleep will hurt and every move you make will too when they are fresh. You act as you like it. You don't. 11) People will never take it seriously enough. 12) They itch like mad whilst they heal. 13) You eventually get frustrated if it has no effect. 14) You don't cry when you do it. You feel nothing. Not. A. Thing. 15) It's so so so hard to escape it. 16) It isn't beautiful. It isn't a fairy tale. It won't help you find love. It is a monster that ruins lives. Please think of all these things before you hurt yourself. You don't want to. I sound like a hypocrite because I do but trust me, you don't want to fall down the dark hole that I and many other people are already in. Put down your fist, blade, lighter, cut your nail short, and get help.
I need help but can't afford anything
by Sidezombie88
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1 day ago
...See more I've had problems with self harm for a while. Things like hitting/punching, etc. I don't know how to get over it and I need tips/help. I'm 15 so I can't go to therapy by myself and even if I could my family couldn't afford it.
Need advice TW
by inventivePineapple3023
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1 day ago
...See more I’ve been struggling recently so bad and I need help. I just don’t want to be here anymore. I’ve been struggling with thinking about relapsing on self harm even though I’m 2 months clean. I’ve been struggling with suicidal thoughts and have been thinking of writing letters to everyone. My mood is so up and down within a day that I’m physically tired. I nap constantly and scroll on social media to avoid thinking.  I’m 17 going into my senior year of high school and I feel like I have no future. I’m smart and I’m pretty but I don’t have much else. I have a few friends but none close enough to reach out to. My parents fight a lot so I’m always stressed. I don’t feel like I’m safe anywhere. My ex boyfriend physically and mentally abused me. I’ve been sexually assaulted multiple times starting when I was 8. I just feel like i have nothing left. The one thing I care about right now is this girl. We’ve been talking and becoming friends for the last month or two. She’s my dream girl. There are hints that she likes me back too. We talk a lot and have hung out. She’s the only thing that can make me feel better right now. It’s like all the sudden I feel like myself when im with her. She’s the only reason I haven’t relapsed or attempted. I don’t want her to think I’m giving up or have her disappointed in me. But I know that it isn’t healthy to rely on her in that way. And if she breaks my heart then I’ll really have nothing. I just don’t know what to do anymore. Any advice would be appreciated. 
by charmingTortoise1227
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1 day ago
...See more So I have been clean for about 4 years now but I just found out that i failed my exam, just one, nothing affecting my future (not a lot atleast) but it's like going down in a spiral, i usually have good control over my emotions but my parents are so mad and i can't stop thinking, I know I won't do it again ( i made a promise and I won't break it) but these thoughts are so loud how to I stop them? Because I just randomly start crying out of nowhere and I then I can't breathe and then thoughts reminding me of everything from all the years ago and how I felt when it happened, it's just alot yk I had friend who used to help with all of this but we kinda drifted apart over the years so I don't know who to go for help now, that's why I'm here
I feel as if I am a coward (TW[?])
by s0cksz
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1 day ago
...See more sometime in 10th grade I started SH, but I never cut my skin. I felt as if I was a coward, the farthest I was able to go was stabbing with pencils (no bleeding), bruising, pinching, and digging my fingernails into my neck/arms. I have Social Anxiety Disorder that developed during COVID where I developed a hatred for the way I look, so I often SH out of frustration when I see other people living their lives freely. just recently, maybe a month to two months ago, (for context: I have a small mirror in my bag that I bring everywhere) the mirror in my bag cracked and took a shard out and scratched my wrist. I just barely broke the skin and beads of blood rested on my skin. I felt relieved, and for whatever reason, the frustration and self hatred disappeared for a moment. after it healed, it left small scars (they aren't even noticeable now) and that scared me. if my mum were to ever see them she would never understand, she would kick me out of the house to go live with my father who I would never want to live with. I know that not being able to break the skin isn't a think I should feel pathetic about but I do. the farthest I can find myself going is scratching with the mirror shards, then putting hand sanitizer on it.  its not like I want to go farther than that, but I still can't help but feel pathetic, like I'm not doing enough.
Weekly Check in 5.9.24
by Kristynsmama
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1 day ago
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Just asking for tips.
by Stormandshelter
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2 days ago
...See more I never did sh a lot but I've been giving in lately. Please provide me with some ways to cope. Thanks in advance . ❤️
by juliak1968
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2 days ago
...See more Never ever give up! The worst of storms will always pass followed by some of the most beautiful blue skies and sun shining so brightly. When I feel the blessings of the great weather and have said to myself "I'm so grateful that I didn't " You're not alone!! As we all support each other, we grow mentally strong because we learn so much, and now we have the tools (or you will soon) to cope and establish a healthy routine with some practicing self discipline, and as we support each other we get that sense of purpose some of us are missing. (I was) Blessings, Day
Bad day :(
by sunnyPond4667
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2 days ago
...See more Hey guys! I had a really bad day today and was a bit overwhelmed with my response to it, I have been consistently crying all day and just gotten into a very bad state of mind that I haven’t experienced in a long time except for a couple times recently. I had issues with things before for a few years and went to therapy and suffered with a sh addiction for a long time but have moved past it for about a year and a half. I’m worried this day and how I feel will continue and lead me back into that bad state and I really don’t want to have to go through that and the addiction again, any tips? Thanks everyone hope you are having a good day and remember you are amazing!! 🫶🏻
im just gonna vent here i might delete this app later idk
by navyKiwi1776
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2 days ago
...See more I'm 16 now. It's been nearly 2 years i've felt bad. I tried to act logical with my thoughts as I could. I've tried to cope with healthy ways, meditation, weight lifting, writing. But it kept getting worse over months. It's hard to keep my eyes open. My brain feels foggy. Everytime i get overwhelmed i start to have self harm sensations and images running into my mind and body. I've acted on the urges rarely. It feels like something keeps punching my head. I'm so tired of being yelled and not being listened, blamed and getting hit. Looking in the mirror is disgusting. My face has felt numb/heavy for months, it hurts. I've learned to live with the chest pain. Things just go really bad when I'm at school and i have to speak in front if the class. I wasn't like that before but I can't stop shaking now. I like being on my own, being alone is not a big deal for me. But I just forgot how to interact easily with people, it feels so bad. I had interests. I wanted to improve my interests. But I don't have the energy for anything. I keep failing and spiraling and i dont know what to do about it. Even if i sleep enough i still feel tired. I thought about speaking to the school counsellor but I just dont know. No matter how it may be the opposite i still feel ashamed and im afraid i cant express myself. i never could express myself to anyone. i dont know how to ask for help
New - A little about me
by SageFlower2008
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...See more I started self-harm about 2 months before my birthday I remember becuase I decided I was going to try and stop to be 1 month clean on my birthday so I had another thing to celebrate.  That didn't last long about 2 weeks later I relapsed. For some backround information I have severe anxiety that has devoloped very fast thoughout the last 3 or 4 years.  I have eco-anxiety along with many many anxiety and panic attacks.  I also have divorced parents and so that means 4 parents who do not care about me.  I was trying to find ways to cope with all my problems and started scratching my arm and that turned into cutting.  I have scars left over and I've been trying to hide them from my mother just knowing that if she found out I would be yelled at and god knows what would happen to me.  I feel very alone in this becuase I don't have anyone I can tell that would understand.  My 1st set of parents are taking a big toll on my mental health and then ranting to me about my 2nd set of parents.  I just felt like I needed to get this out there and out of the way. <3
by lowlife99
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...See more Do you just accept that you can't stop self harming ? For some people I think it's a necessity, for me it's a necessity , either I have attacks and I have to or I just plain deserve it .. I don't think I have it in my to care that I won't have any skin left .
New here, talking about who I am.
by AmyGrace55555
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...See more Hello, I am new to both the community and 7 cups. Although I am new, I have a lot of experience with a lot of things. Once of these things is self harm. This is something I have struggled with for about 3 years now, but I am proud to say that I have gone almost a month without any problems. If you struggle with this, know you are not alone. If you were alone in this, the community wouldn’t exist.  ------------------------- Anyways I would love to get to know everyone. How is everyone’s day going today?

Hello, and welcome to the Self-Harm Recovery Subcommunity! It’s great to have you here, and we are proud of you for making the first brave step in reaching out for support. This is our supportive, safe and friendly environment, and we are glad to have you here 😃. Feel free to direct any questions to the appropriate leader of our community, which you can find at the bottom of the about section. ⭐️

🌟 Feel free to say hello and introduce yourself! Or if you want to just browse for now that is okay too! Take your time. We have several topics in our community such as the goals and success corner, recovery zone, support area and much more! Please use the relevant topic where appropriate so we can keep our community organised🌟

🌟 Please make sure to read through our community guidelines and browse our resources available 🌟

🌟 To join our community leadership team feel free to look through Here for the requirements and apply to join our team 🌟

🌟 Again, thank you for joining our community, and we look forward to seeing your progress on your journey! If you have any questions, please reach out to the relevant leader 😊

Community Guidelines

These guidelines are inspired by some communities around 7 cups! This is so we can adapt our little family to accommodate as many different life experiences and situations as possible. We recognize we cannot adapt to every circumstantial rule. However, we have outlined some of the common guidelines needed for our community. ❤️

✪ Please do not share any graphic images or descriptions of self-harm tools!

✪ Please do not mention the name of any tools used for self-harm in any area of the self-harm recovery community.

✪ Names of methods of self-harm are allowed to be shared in the group support room, but where possible please try to exchange a method name for the phrase "self-harm".

✪ When mentioning methods of self-harm or potentially triggering details of another topic in the forums, please put a trigger warning at the top of the post so people are able to click away from the post if they would like to. Additionally, please try to find an appropriate place within our forums to make your post. Certain areas are reserved for specific content, so please consider this when making your post.

✪ Pro-self-harm content will not be tolerated!

✪ Please be respectful to everyone, members and listeners alike.

✪ Remember, everyone's experiences are different. Please do not undermine or invalidate anyone's situation because it is not what most would consider "normal". We are a diverse community and have people from many backgrounds, so please always be respectful!

✪ General kindness, courtesy, and etiquette are heavily appreciated!

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